Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Week 7

Hi Everyone,

Hope you all had a nice fourth. Our fourth was spent with us and most of our helpers working starting to gather all the goodies for Wednesday. Lydia and Blanca picked blueberries, the pickin's getting a little slimmer, Liz and Tina worked in our staging area to begin putting everything together that I was bringing in. Carrots, beets, cabbage, onions, and potatoes were brought in and they began the process of rinsing, bundling or getting in baskets. The highlight was at days end Liz did her fire dance to celebrate the fourth, complete with kerosene soaked balls that were ignited and then twirled all around her. Very impressive!! We made her perform next to the pool, just in case of a fiery mishap.

We had a half inch of rain Saturday night, thank God, that helped a lot with everything. There will be twelve different items in your crates this week! Before I give you the list, a question...We have an opportunity to purchase sweet corn at a decent wholesale price. Since ours was a crop failure, would any of you be interested in purchasing corn from us on pick up day. The corn wouldn't be organic and would be around $4 per dozen. Any interest? Please let us know.

In your crates this week:

Green Beans
Swiss Chard
Sweet Peppers
Summer Squash (just the beginning of a long and loving relationship)

See you Wednesday!

Steve and Vicky

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