Friday, July 5, 2013


Hi All,

Here's the deal on the blueberries for tomorrow.....The early and mids have been picked and slowing down. The later variety is not all ripe yet. If you are expecting to come and pick a ton of blueberries, tomorrow is not going to be your day. If, on the other hand, you are looking to pick just a pint or two and want to get outside for a bit, tomorrow will work. We will be open from 9a-noon tomorrow 7/6 for light picking.

We have salad greens and garlic scapes. The squashes and cucumbers are coming in and we should have some by next Wednesday. We are pulling onions today and there should be some available next week as well. We are digging garlic today. Beets are about ready.

Our egg production has increased a bit especially in Coop 1. Those girls were hardly paying their way. We decided to try something that we had read about years ago, playing classical music in the coop. Now, I didn't grab my cello and Vicky her Stradivarius, we hung a radio in the coop with the classical station on softly. It's only been a week, but we have gone from a daily take of 17 eggs in there to 28 yesterday! We'll see if it continues. If it does, all the layers will be relaxing to Brahms, Bach and Beethoven soon.

On the raccoon front...Rocky 3 and 4 were captured and released this past week. There was nothing in the trap this morning. When we returned after releasing Rocky 4, I heard squealing out back and sprinted out to find a huge Red Tailed Hawk grabbing one of the broiler chickens. I got there in time to save the chicken and scare off the hawk, but it made me stop and think, My gosh what's next a a saber toothed tiger!!! This is one of the reasons why you don't see a lot of truly free range product and why it costs a bit more.

OK to summarize....

Light blueberry picking tomorrow 7/6 from 9-noon
Salad greens and scapes available now
Laying hens in tuxedos
Broiler chickens running for their lives

Open 9-7 each day.

Vicky and Steve

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