Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Week 7

Hey CSAer's,

OK, I'm putting my earplugs in, there I'm ready......You will get no turnips this week!!!! I still heard you cheering.

After our initial beet planting failed, our second planting is coming in this week. Squashes are slowing a bit. Many of our market customers have asked how we could have spinach and lettuce this time of year. The answer is, I know they don't like the hot weather, but I wanted to try anyway and found a couple of shadier spots and it's working. Pretty much just one cutting of the spinach, because it bolts (goes to seed) almost immediatley in the hot weather. You will be getting only a small amount of arugula this week, but I think this is the tastiest, most tender, perfect sized arurgula ever.

We have taken the time to rinse off many of the greens. With all the rain in the last couple of days, it was extremely dirty. You, as always, will have to wash again, but we got the first layer off for you.

This week your share includes:
White Potatoes
Red Potatoes
Summer Squash
Salad Mix
Green Beans
Kale-Red Russian
Sweet Corn-Your choice

Herbs are always available. Tomatoes coming soon!!

See you tomorrow. 9a-8p for pick up.


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