Saturday, July 17, 2010

Week 9

Hi all,

Thank you all so much for performing your rain dances! I understand many of your neighbors called the authorities while observing your strange behavior, but you at least got the rain here. We received nearly 6 inches of rain between last Friday and this past Wednesday. It's an incredible phenomenon to see what a good rain does to the crops. You can water your brains out, but it's just not the same as a natural rain. Things are looking great right now. We had almost given up on the last summer crops we had planted and then the rains came and everything has popped out of the ground and are beginning to grow.

We extracted 5 gallons of honey this past week. It's delicious. $7 a pint, that's about a pound and a third, and $12 a quart that's 3 pounds.

This week in your crates you will find:

The first of the tomatoes (yahoo)
Blush (a cross of red and Yukon gold) or white potatoes
Zucchini (green and yellow)
Yellow Crookneck squash (buttery)
Green Beans
Swiss Chard (new recipe on
Sweet Corn!!!!!!!!!!

If anyone else would like to share any recipes, please do.

Have a great week!

Steve and Vicky

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