Friday, November 23, 2012

Egg Prices

We will be increasing our egg prices to $4 per dozen beginning 12/1/12.  We have been at $3.50 for a number of years with the feed price going up steadily throughout that time.  So, at this point it's either raise the price a bit or stop doing it.  Our new batch of laying chickens we bought last summer are finally beginning to lay much better.  As a result of that we have lifted the maximum 2 dozen purchase.

We hope your Thanksgiving holiday is the best!

Vicky and Steve

Saturday, November 3, 2012

It's a wrap

We have pretty much wrapped up the year on the farm. All the fields have been tilled and our cover crop, winter rye, has been planted. Winter rye will germinate down to 34 degrees, will help with soil erosion and is nice organic matter to be tilled back into the soil next spring. We have taken out our strawberry patch and planted 500 new strawberry plants in a new location. they will be ready for picking next spring. We have replaced 40 blueberry plants, built and planted another large asparagus bed and cut back the current asparagus plants to get ready for winter.

We are down to two beehives and have prepped them for winter. The chicken is all sold out and we don't have the indoor facilities to grow any more during the cold weather. The egg layers are doing a bit better. Our egg supply has been holding pretty steady and eggs are available here everyday. We still are doing a two dozen maximum.
Vicky and I want to thank all of you for supporting us this season. It was a difficult year for us both as I toughed it out on the farm while she was immersed in the accelerated nursing program at Harford. The good news is she is now a Registered Nurse, the bad news is I don't ever want to see the farm again! Just kidding..about the farm part.

We're not sure what next year will bring for the farm, but you guys will be the first to know.

Have a wonderful holiday season and keep buying local!

Thanks again,

Vicky and Steve