Wednesday, July 24, 2013

Farm Update

Hi Everyone,

It's so much more comfortable this week working outside. We actually had a couple of days the farm pond was not even used for cooling off purposes.

The green beans are coming in beautifully and Vicky is picking them about every other day. She won't allow anyone else to pick her precious beans. We have a few people that help around the farm occasionally who, I have suggested, could help her with the bean picking, but she refuses the help. She even fired me from bean picking today when I pulled a little to hard on a bean and a stem of the plant broke off. That wasn't bad enough for her, but apparently I left some perfectly good beans on the plant that, "Will be too big in another two days! How could you miss these!!" I decided my place was on the other side of the farm for a while.

Expect an email devoted to our chicken and chicken prices soon. After much thought and figuring, it seems that we have finally come up with a plan that we feel will work.

We had a visitor who eats a vegan diet, but has found that she needs to add a little meat for health purposes. She is very concerned with the way the animals are raised and treated. I took her outback for a tour of our broiler chicken complex. Chickens were running around chasing bugs. Three were giving themselves dust baths in the sand of the horseshoe pits. One was on his way to the diving board of the swimming pool to take a dip, when I halted his progress. I thought that might be showing off a bit. I think her comment was, "They certainly look happy." I'm willing to put our system up against any other when it comes to treating the birds humanely.

We will have corn beginning tomorrow (Thursday) through the weekend.

Please come and visit us this week and weekend. We have:

Green Beans
Red and White Potatoes
Just the beginning of the tomatoes
Green Peppers
Yellow squash

Thank you for choosing us to be your farmer.

Vicky and Steve

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