Thursday, August 22, 2013

Farm Update

Here's what's happening at the farm!

It should be obvious to you folks that have been receiving our emails for a while that our look has changed substantially. We are trying a new newsletter look with a few bells and whistles. Unfortunately with bells and whistles come mess ups and failures. While transferring all the email addresses last night until 2:30am, I may have dozed off a couple of times and a twitchy sleep deprived hand may have erased or added strange addresses or eliminated some. We hope you will let us know if any changes have to be made. We have been extremely busy this week harvesting and planting. Harvesting not only gives you some nice fresh organic veggies, but it also creates room to plant some new items for fall. Harvested this week along with the regular squash, tomatoes etc. We have dug 400 pounds of Red Pontiac potatoes and 80 pounds of sweet potatoes. The reds are ready to rock, the sweets will have to cure for 2-3 weeks to allow the enzymes in the potatoes to turn into sugar. Thus the name. Without waiting they would be called "tasteless taters". We found that out last year along with some of our customers. Don't worry we allowed those unruly customers, picketing out in front of the farm, to trade them in for another food item of their choice.

This week's bounty:

Sweet corn
Our organic corn this weekend
Red Potatoes
Green Beans
Summer Squash
Local Raw Honey
Egg Plant (Friday through the weekend)
Cucumbers (Friday through the weekend)

See you soon at the farm! Open 9-7 everyday.

Locally yours,

Vicky and Steve

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