Monday, August 15, 2011

Week 13

Hi Everyone,

Just got back from a couple of days down the ocean and farmhands Liz, Tina, Maggie and Barbara have helped out a lot. It's a lot of work each day here with 400 chickens to take care of along with all the produce, the bees and everything else. All the Fall transplants and many seeds have been planted and received a nice shot of rain to get things started. The Chinese cabbage has been immediately inundated with flea beetles and we had to spray (organic) and cover the rows with row covers to try to save them. As the weather cools down the bug problem becomes less and less, but they're in full force now. This week you will see a little pie pumpkin in your crates. It can be used for a pumpkin pie or cut up, steamed or boiled and mashed like a winter squash for a tasty treat. We mash them and add butter, salt and pepper and a little maple syrup...very nice. The summer squash this week comes in the form of green and yellow patty pan squash. Just cut them up and use them like you would any yellow squash or zucchini.

We will have corn again this week.

In your crates for week 13 will be:

Rainbow belles (cherry tomatoes)
Pie Pumpkin
Green Beans
Patty pan Squash
Hot Peppers

See you tomorrow,

Steve and Vicky

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